The Omnibus Law or the Job Creation Law (UU) is the government's endeavor to resolve a number of structural problems of the national economy by simplifying and synchronizing a number of cross-sectoral regulations.
Regulasi ini mencakup harmonisasi segala peraturan yang tumpang tindih dan menghambat jalannya investasi, kesempatan berusaha serta pemberdayaan UMKM. UU Cipta Kerja diarahkan untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan agenda transformasi ekonomi dan mendukung pembangunan yang lebih inklusif.
UU Cipta kerja juga menjadi terobosan untuk meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi Indonesia yang jauh tertinggal, termasuk dengan beberapa negara di ASEAN. Salah satunya dengan menyederhanakan perizinan berusaha yang rumit, birokratis, dan memakan waktu yang sangat lama. Tidak hanya itu, UU Cipta Kerja juga diharapkan menjawab tantangan dalam perekonomian nasional berupa gejala deindustrialisasi.
Di sisi lain, Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memutuskan pemerintah dan DPR RI harus memperbaiki Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU Cipta Kerja). KADIN Indonesia mendukung upaya revisi UU Cipta Kerja dengan memberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan persepsi pengusaha nasional atas pengimplementasian UU Cipta Kerja.
Kadin Indonesia juga mendukung penuh upaya pemerintah untuk membantu masyarakat mewujudkan sistem perpajakan yang adil, sehat, akuntabel, dan sederhana agar efektif mendongkrak investasi Indonesia, lewat Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (HPP).
The Job Creation Law (Omnibus Law) is an essential breakthrough in simplifying and synchronizing various overlapping cross-sectoral regulations that hamper investment flows and national business opportunities. Through the Job Creation Law, Kadin Indonesia supports the implementation of economic transformation and inclusive development.
Kadin Indonesia also fully supports the Job Creation Law because it is the foundation for improving Indonesia's economic competitiveness through simplifying business licenses that were previously complicated, bureaucratic, and time-consuming. In addition, the Job Creation Law is expected to overcome the symptoms of deindustrialization that have become a challenge in the national economy.
The Job Creation Law is the government's effort to establish a fair, healthy, transparent, and simple taxation system through the Harmonisation of Tax Regulations (HPP). The goal is to effectively increase investment in Indonesia, help create a more conducive business environment, and encourage sustainable economic growth.
Kadin Indonesia is committed to playing an active role in advancing this initiative, with the vision of creating a stronger, more inclusive and competitive economy.
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No.Kav. 2-3, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
National Economy
Regional Economy