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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Priority Programs


Digital Economy

Digitalisasi ekonomi menjadi motor penggerak dunia usaha di masa pandemi, khususnya bagi UMKM, yang terbukti berperan sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian Indonesia. Saat ini, UMKM berkontribusi signifikan dengan menyumbang 61 persen dari nilai Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dan menyediakan lapangan kerja sebanyak 97 persen.

Melalui program ini, Kadin Indonesia menjalin kemitraan inklusif bersama multistakeholders berbasis inclusive closed loop yang mengintegrasikan dari level hulu hingga ke hilir dan seluruhnya dikelola melalui sistem digital. Hal ini sebagai upaya perubahan dan terobosan yang lebih efisien untuk meningkatkan skala usaha, produktivitas, kualitas dan nilai tambah bagi UMKM.

Kadin Indonesia juga menjalin kemitraan dengan startup digital dan membangun information hub bagi UMKM melalui wikiwirausaha yang berisi informasi mitra akses pasar, keuangan dan pelatihan digitalisasi sebagai upaya mendukung pemerintah dalam pengembangan ekonomi digital. Ditargetkan 1.000 usaha mikro dan kecil dapat menjadi usaha menengah.

This program also seeks to encourage the adoption of industry 4.0 and digital transformation in 2025 which is estimated to be able to absorb more than 50 million workers and drive labor productivity growth of more than US$ 35 billion.

Digital Economic Transformation: Strengthening MSMEs and Building an Inclusive Future

Kadin Indonesia has built inclusive partnerships with multi-stakeholders based on the principle of an “inclusive closed loop”This principle involves the integration of the entire economic value chain, from upstream to downstream, managed through a digital system. This step is part of a more efficient change and breakthrough effort to increase business scale, productivity, quality, and added value for MSMEs.

Kadin Indonesia has also formed strategic partnerships with digital startups and developed a specialized Information Hub for MSMEs through the "Wiki Wirausaha" platform. The platform provides access to market-related information, finance, and digital training to provide vital support to the government in its efforts to develop an inclusive digital economy. 

The program is also committed to driving the adoption of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation by 2025. This transformation is expected to create over 50 million jobs and drive more than US$35 billion in labor productivity growth.

Kadin Indonesia supports the development of an inclusive digital economy by helping MSMEs and other economic stakeholders prepare for the future through digitalization.

Our Program

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry