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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Bimtek Sosialisasi White Paper

In accordance with the mandate of Kadin's main task as a government partner in Law No.1/1987 and Presidential Decree No.18/2022, in order to support the optimisation of the role of entrepreneurs (private) in achieving economic development targets for the next 5 (five) years, Kadin Indonesia with Extraordinary Members as representatives of sectoral associations, and Regional Kadin in collaboration with partners compiled a White Paper ‘Development Directions and Policies in the Economic Sector for 2024-2029’.

Socialization of the White Paper through Technical Guidance (Bimtek) will be held for DPRD I, Governors, Mayors and Regents. The socialisation of the White Paper aims to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of DPRD leaders and members with a focus on the preparation of the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) and Regional Budget (APBD) as well as the preparation of appropriate Regional Regulations (Perda).

Bimtek Material Consist of:

  • Insight into nationality;
  • Insight into the duties, rights, and obligations of DPRD members, and
  • Actual Issues: including suggestions/input on economic development for the next 5 years.

To facilitate access to information quickly, Kadin has released Kadinpedia.AI which is equipped with a Chatbot feature to assist policy making and business decision making.

  • Chatbot provides instant response to fulfil data needs
  • Chatbot assists 24/7 with information and analyses whenever needed
  • Chatbot is supported with innovative AI widgets, making it easy to access without the need to switch pages


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry