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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kadin DIY and Pijar Foundation Sign MoU on Smart Sanitation Technology Implementation

The Yogyakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and the Pijar Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as well as a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) regarding the application of smart sanitation technology, Friday 28 June 2024.

This innovative smart sanitation technology was developed to support the realisation of improved environmental quality in DIY by optimising the management of wastewater that can be treated so that it can be reused and minimise environmental impacts.

The signing of the MoU between Kadin DIY and Pijar Foundation was attended by Head of the DIY Environment and Forestry Agency Kusno Wibowo, Executive Director of Pijar Foundation Ferro Ferizka Aryananda, Hendra Gupta from the Asian Institute of Technology/AIT, Bangkok Thailand, Kadin DIY Executive Board and environmental activist Rahadi Saptata Abra, and Kadin DIY Secretariat Coordinator Tim Apriyanyo. This cooperation will be realised through the construction of smart sanitation in 15 selected locations in DIY.

"Smart sanitation technology uses appropriate technology with a domestic component level of more than 50 per cent. This technology is key to realising a circular economy and environmental sustainability. The application of smart sanitation technology is a tangible manifestation of the implementation of the 3P principles, namely People, Planet and Profit," said Deputy Chairman of Kadin DIY, Robby Kusumaharta, who represented GKR Mangkubumi as Chairman of Kadin DIY.

According to data from the DIY Health Office in 2023, around 3 per cent of the DIY population does not have access to clean drinking water. Meanwhile, 66 per cent of the population do not have proper latrines. So far, sanitation management in DIY is still constrained by limited infrastructure and lack of knowledge and public awareness.

Therefore, according to Robby Kusumaharta, smart sanitation technology and the application of circular economy are expected to be innovative solutions to improve sanitation management in DIY, including Yogyakarta City.

The first phase of smart sanitation technology development has been surveyed and will be built in 10 locations in Yogyakarta City and surrounding areas. The 10 locations are SMA Negeri 1 Teladan, Rusunawa Graha Bina Harapan, Rusunawa Bener, Taman Pintar, Jogja Expo Centre (JEC), Rusunawa Cokrodirjan, Teras Malioboro 2, DIY Environment and Forestry Agency, Beringharjo Market and Kepatihan Complex.

"Monitoring and managing sanitation systems more intelligently will save water, energy and other resources and reduce environmental pollution," said Tim Apriyanto.

According to Tim Apriyanto, the main benefits of smart sanitation technology are improved wastewater quality, increased recycling and reuse and reduced energy consumption.

"We are committed to working with governments, communities and the private sector to deploy smart sanitation technology and realise a more sustainable circular environment," said Hendra Gupta as Project Expert from AIT.

The smart sanitation development cooperation is a consortium of non-profit organisations such as Yayasan Pijar, Yayasan Taher, Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation and Asian Institute of Technology with Kadin DIY. The partnership cooperation is to promote sustainable resource management.

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry