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Nantikan Road Map Indonesia Emas 2045 Selengkapnya di Kadin.id

Indonesia Emas 2045 Road Map

By 2045, the 100th anniversary of its independence, Indonesia is projected to be the fourth-largest economy in the world (based on PPP GDP) and the eighth-largest economy in the world (based on real GDP). Both projections will place Indonesia as a high-income country and out of themiddle-income trap).

Indonesia 2045 envisions becoming a resilient, prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable country. To realize this vision, Kadin Indonesia has conducted a study involving all elements of the nation, including associations, academics, trade unions, religious organizations, businesses, and industry players, to formulate the Indonesia Emas 2045 Roadmap. We believe that Indonesia can achieve this vision with the foundation of the philosophy of "Gotong Royong" and "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" implemented by superior human resources.

To become a developed country and escape the trap of a middle-class country, this Roadmap formulates four strategic pillars to achieve this goal:

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Indonesia Emas 2045 Roadmap

Indonesia has demonstrated remarkable growth since its independence in 1945 and is expected to further continue its development.

By 2045, 100 years after its independence, Indonesia is projected to be the world’s 4th largest economy (by GDP PPP) and the 8th largest economy (by real GDP). Under these projections, Indonesia will become a high-income economy and escape the middle-income trap by 2038, similar to Bappenas 2025-2045 RPJPN projections.

Indonesia 2045 aspires to be a resilient, prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable powerhouse, and become the inspirational lighthouse from ASEAN. At the heart of this vision lies the enduring philosophy of “Gotong Royong” and “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, emphasizing the spirit of working together for the greater benefit and celebrating unity in diversity.

These 4 pillars have been cascaded into 14 sectoral roadmaps, as strategic growth themes and key enablers:

  • Boost resiliency: Building unrivalled health resiliency and establishing a self-sustaining food security ecosystem, targeting:

    • Top 20 Global Food Security Ranking, out of 113 countries

    • >6 index score in Global Biopharma Resilience

  • Foster prosperity: Grow high value sectors through unlocking lighthouses in strategic manufacturing sectors, leapfrogging growth in financial services, building world-class ecotourism destinations, unleashing global creative players, and accelerating MSME growth to mid-size, globally competitive companies, targeting:

    • High-income economy by 2038

  • Strengthen inclusivity: Becoming the role model of end-to-end transformation of healthcare ecosystem, and empowering the vulnerable population, targeting:

    • Equal opportunities: >60% women’s labour participation, <0.3 Gini coefficient, Top 20 globally in PISA score, >70 score in skillset of graduates

    • Higher life expectancy: >80 years for both male and female, Child mortality <5 per 1000 births, <10% stunting prevalence

    • Improved infrastructure quality: >90 score in infrastructure quality

  • Advance sustainability: Becoming the world reference in innovative and affordable decarbonization, and setting up the world’s largest hub for green business build to reach Net Zero by 2060, targeting:

    • ~50% Renewable power generation mix

    • Top carbon credits issuer

    • ~50% of 4W, 3W, 2W and buses electrified

    • ~25% of smallholders practice regenerative farming practices

  • Key enablers: Ensuring future-ready human capital, an integrated, accessible, and affordable infrastructure, transversal technologies for all and global quality leadership with local wisdom

Each sectoral roadmap lays out 3 key aspects: context and challenges to understand where Indonesia is now, bold moves to explore key activities to be done in the next 22 years, and key metrics to identify specific targets. The bold moves are strategic initiatives that will unlock the growth of the sector or unleash the enabler for broader sectors.

Through a GDP impact assessment, without executing the bold moves, Indonesia potentially will only reach ~65% of the 2045 GDP target. With the bold moves, on the other hand, Indonesia is projected to reach ~90-110% of the 2045 GDP target. Indonesia can confidently chart its course, towards a resilient, prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

KADIN aspired for this white paper to contribute to the Indonesia 2045 Master plan, reflecting the best possible inputs from the business community with ‘Merah Putih’ spirit. It is a result of collective discussions across various stakeholders, anchored on solving for the aspirations and the bold moves that will truly unlock the growth for Indonesia.

Superior and competent human resources can become the enablers of implementing and realizing all pillars of the Indonesia Emas 2045 Roadmap..

The Indonesia Emas 2045 Roadmap is Kadin Indonesia's contribution to the nation's progress in achieving its vision of becoming a developed country and the world's fourth-largest economic power. Therefore, we invite you to provide thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, and recommendations to improve this aspiration. 

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