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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kadin Prepares Road Map to Golden Indonesia 2045

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) held a Townhall 2 Indonesia Emas 2045 involving elements of associations, academics and industry players, online on Monday (3/7/2023).

Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia for Organizational Affairs Eka Sastra said the event was held to perfect the Road Map of Golden Indonesia 2045.

The townhall is divided into three sessions, namely finalizing the roadmap through discussions between clusters, discussing the values of gotong royong and bhineka tunggal ika in the road map, as well as follow-up and socialization of the 2045 Golden Indonesia Road Map.

"This is to sharpen the vision, it is expected that Indonesia can become the 4th largest economy in the world if it follows the GDP projection in 2045. Apart from GDP, it must also be seen from income per capita, so as to create a resilient economy, high income, economic equality, and a sustainable economy," Eka said.

In the cross-sector discussion, Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia for Transportation, Denon Prawira Atmadja, said several proposals including the issue of the importance of logistics cost efficiency, harmonizing regulations and encouraging rules from an economic perspective, developing local value to increase revenue from the tourism sector. For example, Aceh can become a mecca, or Padang can become a culinary tour.

Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia for Tourism and Creative Economy, Triawan Munaf added, in tourism areas must be supported by mass transportation, such as MRT or LRT as in the tourist area of Bali whose capacity is shrinking due to the increasing number of tourists.

In other sectors, such as manufacturing, sustainability and food security must be developed in tandem. Some of the suggestions that emerged from the townhall participants included the downstreaming industry that must become a jargon, then the implementation of a sustainable industry by paying attention to good waste management, then improving the quality of agricultural products, and Indonesia's efforts to shift from a commodity country to an industrial country.

In other sectors, no less important is the proposal to strengthen the role of assistance from MSMEs, strengthening the provincial Kadin network which is a leading umkm and providing input on the assistance content needed. Then the importance of strengthening the umkm database, in order to facilitate the mapping and selection of umkm, encouraging the rotation of mentoring beneficiaries, encouraging the umkm iklusif partnership movement so that umkm upgrade, implementing close loop cooperation between large companies and umkm in accordance with the field or business sector of their business, and enforcing the one region one product program as a regional flagship.

Meanwhile, realizing the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045 is inseparable from the national values that need to be upheld as contained in Pancasila, Unity in Diversity and the spirit of gotong royong. In this regard, for long-term value, it needs to be guarded by government regulations on leading sectors, and it needs to be consistent with the excellence of economic value which must be supported by good quality human resources.

In addition, the townhall discussion raised the issue of collaboration to grow together, not individual growth. Education reform is also considered important to achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045.




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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry