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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kemnaker Collaborates with Kadin to Strengthen Labor Market Information System and Vocational Training

The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) is collaborating with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) to strengthen the Labor Market Information System, Vocational Training and Productivity.

The two cooperation agreements were signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower as Plt. Anwar Sanusi and Deputy Chairman of Kadin Indonesia for Vocational and Certification, Adi Mahfudz Wuhadji at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday (28/10/2023).

Anwar Sanusi said that the MoU on these two matters is very important considering that the Ministry of Manpower and Kadin have almost the same scope of duties, namely creating the best possible labor ecosystem.

He explained that the Ministry of Manpower has a duty, especially to issue policies related to employment. Meanwhile, Kadin is an important pillar in maintaining the employment ecosystem.

Furthermore, he said that the MoU between the Ministry of Manpower and Kadin is not new. Previously, both of them often cooperated, starting from overseeing policies, implementing policies, to guarding so that their implementation could be realized in accordance with the predetermined plans.

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry