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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Minister of Investment Regulation Number 6 Year 2023 Regarding Import Incentives for 4-Wheeled Electric Vehicles

In order to encourage the utilisation of electric vehicle incentives provided by the government, the Electric Mobility Working Team of Kadin Indonesia has conducted a series of discussions on the implementation of incentives on electric vehicles attended by representatives from various associations in the electric mobility ecosystem in Indonesia, including PERIKLINDO, AISMOLI, AISI, AEML, GIAMM and GAIKINDO.

To accelerate the implementation of the battery-based electric motor vehicle programme and the establishment of the electric vehicle ecosystem as well as to increase investment competitiveness in attracting investment in the four-wheeled battery-based electric motor vehicle industry, policy support is needed to provide incentives for import duties and sales tax on luxury goods for the import and / or delivery of four-wheeled battery-based electric motor vehicles under certain conditions with a certain amount to the four-wheeled battery-based electric motor vehicle industry.

To accelerate and accommodate this, a Regulation of the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Number 6 of 2023 concerning Guidelines and Governance for the Provision of Incentives for Import and/or Delivery of Four-Wheeled Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles in the Context of Accelerating Investment has been issued.

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry