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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Launch of Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2023 on the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights

Good governance in the business world is inseparable from the responsibility to respect human rights. Therefore, Indonesia became one of the countries that adopted the United Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

In an effort to strengthen the government's commitment to the implementation of the UNGPs, a regulatory framework is needed. For this reason, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights initiated the Draft National Strategy on Business and Human Rights (Stranas BHAM).

On Tuesday, 26 September 2023, the draft was approved and signed by the President into Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2023 concerning the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) attended the launch of the Presidential Regulation at Graha Pengayoman, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. As a follow-up to Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2023, on the same occasion Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights, Mahfud MD inaugurated Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna L. Laoly as Chairman of the National Task Force (GTN BHAM) as well as high-ranking state officials, and representatives of Kadin Indonesia, APINDO, and HIPMI involved in GTN BHAM.

Sebagai tindak lanjut terhadap Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 Tahun 2023, pada kesempatan yang sama Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum dan HAM, Mahfud MD mengukuhkan Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Yasonna L. Laoly sebagai Ketua Gugus Tugas Nasional (GTN BHAM) serta para pejabat tinggi negara, Wakil Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Bidang Hukum dan HAM Dhaniswara K. Hardjono, perwakilan APINDO, serta HIPMI yang terlibat dalam GTN BHAM.

Stranas BHAM is a real and more detailed guide for the government, both central and regional, in mainstreaming Business and Human Rights. Currently, the Chairperson of GTN BHAM together with the Director General of Human Rights and the team are drafting derivative regulations from the Perpres Stranas BHAM related to the work mechanism of the National Task Force and the BHAM Regional Task Force.

The ratification of Stranas BHAM shows the government's commitment in realising respect and protection of human rights, especially in the business world. Stranas BHAM is expected to increase the competitiveness of the Indonesian business sector at the global level.

Going forward, provincial governments will have an important role in mainstreaming business and human rights in the regions. This is because the GTD BHAM will involve the provincial government through regional apparatus organisations (OPD).

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry