Kadin Indonesia collaborates with RangeMe to open up access for Kadin Indonesia member MSMEs to the international market. RangeMe is an innovative digital platform that helps introduce Indonesian products directly to major retailers abroad, as well as provide market insights according to the product categories of each business actor.
Shinta W Kamdani, Deputy Chairperson of Kadin for Maritime Affairs, Investment and Foreign Relations, said RangeMe can be one of the tools to build a digital export ecosystem. RangeMe allows Indonesian producers/manufacturers to introduce products directly to major retailers, especially in the USA, UK, and Australia.
"In addition to connecting Indonesian businesses with retailers, RangeMe also helps in terms of market insights where manufacturers can get information such as the average consumer purchase price and average retailer margin according to their respective product categories. Thus manufacturers can adjust their products to get a certain target price so that they can compete with other products in the same category," explained Shinta during the launch of RangeMe for Indonesia (29/8/2023).
Di Indonesia, kata Shinta, RangeMe menunjuk Kadin Indonesia Trading House (Kadin ITH) untuk menawarkan platform-nya kepada para pengusaha Indonesia dengan harga khusus. Hal serupa telah dijalankan RangeMe dengan Jepang melalui Jetro.
“Pelaku bisnis yang hadir di sini dapat mengambil bagian dan memanfaatkan RangeMe platform untuk mendapatkan produk eksposur di retailer-retailer global. Kami berharap lebih banyak perusahaan Indonesia yang masuk pasar global dan ingin melihat produk-produk Indonesia masuk di retai-retail international,” pungkasnya.
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No.Kav. 2-3, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
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