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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kadin's Three-Year Reflection: Working Based on KPIs for a Common Home

The Kadin Indonesia organisation under Arsjad Rasjid's leadership had a different flavour. At least in three ways, firstly, the Key Performance Index (KPI). The Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Arsjad Rasjid, instructed the WKU and Head of Division to apply KPIs for a number of strategic programmes.

Kadin Indonesia's main vision is to support the Golden Indonesia 2045. There are 9 (nine) Kadin priority programmes, namely Kadin Cipta, Net Zero Hub, Sustainability, National Capital, Vocational, Blue Economy, Digital Economy, Health, and Job Creation.

‘Since I was inaugurated as Chairman three years ago, together with the entire management we have completed more than 70 percent of the main work programme mandated in the 8th National Conference,’ said Arsjad.

The achievements of the work programme have been accepted at the National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas). In the first year, the Rapimnas ratified that more than 50 per cent of the programme had been implemented, increasing to 65 per cent at Rapimnas II-2021, and by mid-2023, the implementation had reached more than 70 per cent.

Second, in terms of membership, the number of associations and companies that joined Kadin increased rapidly. Before Arsjad took the lead, the number of associations that joined was 120, while currently there are more than 260 associations. The associations come from organisational associations, as well as professional associations.

Kadin also joins hands with labour associations. In Arsjad's eyes, labour and employers need each other. All parties have a place to express their aspirations, including the opportunity for workers to upgrade their skills in accordance with the needs of the business world.

Third, the matter of a common house. In addition, Kadin also embraces MSME players. Kadin's house is not only for large and medium entrepreneurs, but also micro and ultra-micro entrepreneurs. Through Wiki Wirausaha, more than 600 MSMEs have benefited.

Wiki Wirausaha is a platform that facilitates MSME players to get network support from the government, large entrepreneurs, and academics. They receive a number of training and mentoring, and together with the inclusive closed loop programme, their business can be upgraded.

Another programme is WikiExport, which fosters MSME players to get export markets. More than 200 MSME players have had the opportunity to obtain export certificates and start pursuing export markets abroad.

Under Kadin, efforts to continue to maintain the domestic market are active. Most recently, Kadin collaborated with the Ministry of Trade to form the Illegal Import Eradication Task Force. This is done to protect the Indonesian market from the invasion of illegally imported goods.

"Kadin is a shared house, which complements each other, not antagonises. We want to create an ecosystem of gotong royong, moving forward together for big and small entrepreneurs, labourers and entrepreneurs. We want Indonesia to achieve 8% economic growth,’ said Arsjad.


Source: inclusifkolaboratif.id

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Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry